I lost track of this journal…. Since my entry last year, the biggest thing that happened was me changing my name back to my original name after my divorce was finalized. Feels amazing to shed that constant dull reminder and to begin, as I was, again. Rachel Williams :)

I’d written a long entry here, but remembered… I’m not a writer… got self-conscious and realized it would actually be more fun for me to edit it down to key words, so here goes:

January: intentional, refinement, creative bandwidth, respect, exhausted, flattering, self preservation, selfish, happier, satisfied, burned out, balance. Chefs Table, flash sheets, menus, experience, recipe development, re-draws, refinement, experimentation, curated, my menu. 6 years, exchanges, proud, grateful, excited, elevated, refined. Apocalypse, ex-cult, liberating, joy, friends.


June 2022


April 2021